Contract manufacturing

Shchelkovo Biocombinat is Russian largest producer of vaccines for farm animals.

Biologics production is certified to use microorganisms of pathogenicity group 2-4. That allows to work with highly pathogenic microorganisms from List A. The company has an equipped isolated vivarium and titration facilities for reproduction of laboratory animals  and tests on naturally susceptible animals. Tests are conducted by the method of direct infection with virulent microorganisms.

Our independent GMP certified IC center, accredited to carry out tests allows us to test products by using validated equipment and techniques in accordance with the scope of accreditation.

The company’s production processes meet GMP standards, the company also uses ISO 9001 system.

Being a large state-owned biological enterprise Shchelkovo Biocombinat guarantees reliable partnership relations.

We invite all interested producers to consider our proposal for placing  contract manufacturing at our premises.
